Foodie entrepreneurs get together to talk about the food culture, food industry, business startups, entrepreneurship, restaurant and product reviews, and so much more... Do you ever find that every time you and your friends and family are conversing, you always end up talking about food. No matter how many times that one person tries to talk about politics or the economy, "Screw that! Have you tried that new place in downtown? or "Omg, I tried this new recipe from Pintrest you have to try. Yeah we get you! lol Then this show is for you.
Another inspiration for the show was, being entrepreneurs, we all have faced challenges along the way and we want to inspire and encourage to over come those hurdles by sharing our stories, your stories, the stories of local, small food businesses. We highlight food businesses and inspire those that are up and coming.
Do you want to be on the show? Email us.
For more info and show times please click on link